Post by s i l e n t on Aug 14, 2009 14:28:17 GMT -5
HELLO THERE, all this stuff is copyrighted to me... a.k.a s i l e n t. so if you steal it i shall come to your house and steal your filthy heart and never give it back.yes,... enjoy the suffering.mkay?that is your warning.
Post by s i l e n t on Aug 14, 2009 17:14:06 GMT -5
PAGE ONE : THE ACTORS [/color] ;; Gentleman Ghost[/ul] [/color] ;; [/ul][/ul] [/color] ;; Pandora[/ul][/ul][/ul][/font][/size] BACKSTAGE PASSES ; are avalible for : Pandora & Gentleman Ghost, please reserve by PM.
Post by s i l e n t on Aug 14, 2009 17:23:54 GMT -5
PAGE TWO : THE FORM [color=]name[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]pronunciation[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]meaning[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]nicknames[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]age[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]height[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]gender[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]breed[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]appearance[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=]deformity[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]build[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]eye color[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]mane style[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]tail style[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]father[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]mother[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]sisters[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]brothers[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]children[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]other relatives[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]orientation[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]love[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]friends[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]enemies[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]alliance[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]home[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]ranking[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]traits[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]personality[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]likes[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]dislikes[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
[color=]pictures[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]birthdate[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]rp colors[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color] [color=]breeding[/color] [color=FFFFFF]:[/color] [color=][/color]
Post by s i l e n t on Aug 14, 2009 17:43:53 GMT -5
Post by s i l e n t on Aug 14, 2009 17:45:07 GMT -5
PANDORA name : pandora pronunciation : pan-dor-a meaning : greek nicknames : pandie, pan, ori
age : four height : 16.1 gender : mare breed : Irish Draft Horse x Warmblood
appearance : Pandoras coat is lightly dappled, she has one black sock on her back left leg.Her eyes are a odd ice White, most think she is blind.Her mane and tail are both a dark grey. deformity : vain build : thin, and slightly muscled. eye color : ice white mane style : long, clean, and slightly waved. tail style : long, clean. and stright.
father : n/a mother : n/a sisters : xenria, dead, newborn brothers : none children : none
other relatives : none known
orientation : striaght love : none friends : none enemies : none
alliance : light home : n/a ranking : unknown
traits : vain, trusting, a bit thick headed. personality : Headstrong Pandora, a odd little light she is.Will work her way torwards anything that glints in her eye.Weather it be a stag, position, or even something as silly as a trinket that she can see herself in, or wear to make her look better.One way or another she will usually get what she wants, even if she should`t have it.
Vain She enjoys staring at herself in a bit of water, enjoying the way her reflection looks and how the ripples make her pelt look unique, instead of boring dappled Grey.She will often entangle leafs in her mane, and tidy her tail.She adores it when someone compliments her looks.Yet, if you don`t...
Locked-Box Even though she is rather Headstrong, and Vain, and a bit Outgoing.That does`t mean all those things can hide her past.So, she mostly keeps her past a secret.She also keeps other horses secrets a secret, if need be that is.
likes : herself, water, shiney things, rainbows, clear days. dislikes : rain, dark days, clouds, most dark horses, and wolves.
pictures : n/a birthdate : n/a rp colors : 98AFC7&737CA1 breeding : closed for now
Post by s i l e n t on Aug 15, 2009 11:15:48 GMT -5
GENTELMAN GHOST name : gentelman ghost pronunciation : gen-tel-ma-n gh-o-st meaning : n/a nicknames : ghost, genny, mister.
age : four height : 16.0 gender : stag breed :
appearance : Black coat, black mane and tail, red eyes, bone white marking on his side i nthe shape of a bone. deformity : pyscotic, bi-polar. build : wiry, yet well muscled eye color : mane style : medium, thin. tail style : medium thin.
father : stone mother : unknown sisters : none brothers : none children : none
other relatives : none
orientation : stright love : none friends : none enemies : none
alliance : dark home : n/a ranking : n/a
traits : pyco, calm. personality : Psychotic Ghost`s psychotic condition is nothing to laugh about.He has all the signs, hallucinations, delusions ; a fanciful believe, and bi-polar disorder.He is in most words : a man to stay away from.But luckily he usually trys to hide his disorder, and vent it, by talking to intimate objects.
Copy - Cat He has a annoying ability to copy whatever he hears out of another horses maw.It gets annoying and most times when he is told to stop he simply repeats the last two sentences of the other horse.Than after mumbling the other horses 'Future`.Before walking away.
Placid Even though he is rather Psychotic, and a bit of a Copy-Cat.He has a rather Placid nature if you get to know him.That of which hardly ever happens.He is calm, and rather collected.Though some hardly believes such a thing could happen.
likes : darkness, the moon, blood, water, wolves. dislikes : light, shadows, sun, heat.
pictures : n/a birthdate : unkown rp colors : A5F68C&4F3256 breeding : open